Hey everyone!
It’s been a crazy few weeks with Merry Farmer staying, the LGBTQ+ book con in Blackpool, and easter, but it’s finally starting to settle down. Merry went home yesterday and I’m now writing the last quarter of book 14. I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek, as the boys sometimes sweep in with something important they want me to add, but so far, the end is going to plan!
I had some wonderful news last month from my eldest daughter, which I can now share. She is expecting her third child with her new partner, which means I will be a Grandma again! This will be Grandchild number 10! (3 from my husband’s side) It really is good news after losing my son Cade last year, news that has given the family such a much need boost of life energy.
The other thing I wanted to tell you was that I did a thing…I joined The 1 million step challenge with Diabetes UK, in honour of my son Cade! It runs from the 1st of July to the 30th of September, so I have 92 days to get those 1 million steps! Dear god I’m gonna die! Ha! I’d love you to sponsor me, even just a few quid (that’s common English for a £1 lol) to help raise awareness and funds for them to fight this life limiting disease, which effects so many, of all ages. I’ll put the link on the bottom but don’t feel pressured, I know things are tight right now for a lot of people all around the world.
Anyway back to book 14. Star has been a lot more vocal lately, so I might add a short chapter from his POV. His mind is a bit chaotic, so it might be jumbled, but I feel like the end of this series needs to hear him, even if we all read it and go – shit, yeah lets leave him and his people to themselves. Hahaha! I’ll think about it, and if it is too crazy, I may just add in here as a free chapter. Now I’ve said that, I feel that might work better. Let me know your thoughts.
I’m trying to get the paper backs sorted out for my books, so if I do a convention, I can offer them cheaper than the Zon. The problem I have is I write such long books. I’m also changing the Streetboys series to the bigger size book, 6×9, to allow for its large page counts, as Finders Keepers – Home just didn’t work. The print had to be so small you’d all need magnifiers to read it. Once I get them sorted, I’ll let you know. I’m also going to change a couple of the book covers. Book 1 – Hunters moon – definitely, I’ve never been really happy with the silhouetted people, maybe book2 and the title of book 14! I know it’s not out yet but I made the decision on it too quickly in the middle of grieving and I’m disappointed with it. We’ll see what happens.
Along with this subject is the problem I have with Isaac, the first book of his series. The zon banned it (I think its content got reported) and I haven’t wanted to draw attention to it in case they decided to look at the others! I may have to bite the bullet and call them, and see what the issue is, to see if I can rectify it enough for the powers that be.
Well that’s all for now. I’ll try and add some new clips to the site, but it’s hard to do them now before the last book is out with the full family dynamic. I don’t want spoil anything for anyone. As a treat for dropping by, I’ll give you another teaser next week
Taylor x
Here’s the link to sponsor if you can! Thank you!