Authors Bio
I am not great at these things…but here goes. I live in the south of London and haven’t moved far from where it all began. I currently live with my wonderful husband, our little dog Ozzie and our noisy cat Spike (If you feel a Buffy theme going on there, you’re right!) and a tortoise called George!
I’ve always loved stories that hurt then heal, that have a hero and happy ending, either in the theatre, on screen, or in a book, and aspired to be a writer when I was a teenager. Unfortunately, back in the day – no further…back a bit more…that’ll do lol – the school’s teachings were very fixed and you weren’t allowed to deviate from what they taught, or wanted you to read, and they hurt my dreams. (I’m still sore about it!) I used to write poems and stories for my friends using characters from tv, but adult life then took over and it all got a bit side-lined, with bearing and bringing up four children.(It was such a chore…I’m kidding, I love them, even more since they left home!)
As they became independent, my love of writing returned but with more adult themes and desires, and having made many gay friends through life, I felt a great affinity with them. When I wrote my first story, Julian, it was meant to be a heterosexual one, but as soon as I started to write about Julian, he was very clear his love was Jacob, and there started a whole new world where they could be together and live their lives as they wished.
I have a lot of stories to tell in my head, but struggle with mild dyslexia and finding the right words, and it can often lead to a fight with my anxiety, but I’m a great believer in, if you have something to say, then say it. I often say this to my severely dyslexic grandson who will often step back from typing or being on social media… I don’t care how you say it, if it comes out right, if you use the right words, it’s spelt correctly, or the comma’s in the right place, I just want to hear your story. Lucky for my readers, I have a great Proof-reader who has taken on the task of setting my words in some sort of order, so you lot can read, and breathe while you do so!
BDSM has always been a part of my life in some way, I love the openness of the different lifestyles and the ‘love is love’ ideal, and I’m a great believer that people have different needs, which aren’t always understood by general society, but can be fulfilled safe, sane and consensually with communication. When I write though, I don’t write about real life (because let’s be honest, it can be pretty shit and writing pretend means you can make up crazy horrible things and then make them better!) So my love of gay men, hurt/comfort/love/pain/desire and a lot of angsty feels gets all wrapped up in some not so pleasant ways. There are things we love to hate and the BDSM rabbit hole can take that in many directions, giving us some colourful love to love/hate characters who don’t always play by the vanilla rules….and now I’m waffling!
So that’s me, I was brought up on tea, scones and bread pudding, told I was the naughty one of the family (Nothing’s changed!) and that I was never going to be queen – I was devastated!
I love my family, the fur babies and writing and hope you like the last one too!