Fresh Perspective

Hi there! 

This is just a quick update of what’s happening right now. 

I’m working on the last Streetboys Series book. It’s really slow going because, as a lot of you know, I lost my son at the end of June last year. He was 28 years old and a diabetic type one – which means he was on insulin. He’d been really poorly for a while, but his death was unexpected, caused by a sepsis infection, and was pretty shocking. 

Since then my head and thought process has struggled to find its way. I was able to get Stellar Evolution – Hope out in November last year, but that’s because the story was pretty much written and just need some fine editing. This next book however is from scratch, although some scenes are already written, I’m struggling to get words down on the page and sometimes when I do, I’m not happy with them. 

Since the new year, things have improved a little, and the characters are starting to talk and make sense to me again. The words are coming but it’s slow, and I wouldn’t want to rush this last book, you’ve all waited so long for it, and I won’t put anything out that I’m not happy with. So there might be a delay but it’s coming, and Joe and Leo Star will have their ending! 

Anyway, I hope you like the new website! I managed to drag my son into helping me as I’m so technically challenged! I think he’s done an amazing job, and there’ll be ongoing improvements all the time, so pop back often. If you’re in our Facebook group – Leigh and Taylors kinksters café – 

 – then I’ll let you know when anything new comes along. 

Please have a look around, there’s lots of extra’s here about the characters, and you get my unsolicited views on them, the places they frequent and other snippets. I’ve added some pictures in just for fun too and eventually – when my writing brain kicks in fully – I’ll be putting up shorts of interactions between characters, either in short stories or short messages between them. 

Before you go, drop by the guestbook page and leave a comment for me, even to just say hi. I love hearing from you, and I’d love to hear your views on the characters too, who’s your favourite, who you love to hate, and who’s your Sweetheart! 

Take care  

Love Tj x