The facts.
Black/brown skin
Shaved head/ course hair black
Eyes deep brown/ look black
Toned and thick arm muscles and muscled body
Tea – no sugar
Author’s comments.
What a gem Peter is. Everyone should have a Peter in their lives. He’s laid back, funny, calm, and strong. He’s always ready to help, give a cuddle, or supply you with whatever you need. Nothing is too much trouble for him, and he’s thick skinned too (Has to be to be Julian’s No.1!) He does what’s needed and is definitely the father figure of the Julian household. I always feel like he picks up the chaos that Julian usually causes lol
History – Adopted by a black couple who couldn’t have kids, Peter always felt like he didn’t fit. When his adoptive parents had their own blood child – a girl called Princess – he felt even more alienated. Always believed he was Het but a chance meeting with Kellen while viewing rent boys working, leands him to meet Julian and it changes his life journey.