The facts.
5’ 1”
DOB – Feb 10th
Big wide blue/green (Teal) eyes, long eye lashes, full feminine lips, hair when grown is a deep dark brown with light curls, protruding ears and long face with protruding ears (more noticeable when his hair is shaved) Some of these are characteristics of his Fragile X.
Small feminine curved body, prominent waist, round plum bottom, clinched waist
Diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome/On the autistic spectrum. Other disorders – possible associated with his Fragile X – Absent seizures, epileptic seizures, both mild and severe, mild learning difficulties, no own sense of danger, likes routine and familiar things, easily overwhelmed.
Extremely well-endowed penis and balls (characteristics of his Fragile X )
Artistic. Talent for drawing
Lack of education beyond primary school, poor life skills
Uncut – 9 inches hard
Tea – 4 sugars (if allowed)
Strawberry milkshake
Author’s comments.
What a ball of craziness Leo is! He has so much going on, I’m surprised he’s as stable as he is. I always see him as a boy looking for love (or good feelings however they come) and was lucky enough to find Joe, who’s got a heart of pure gold. (Just given a shit life) With his Fragile X and his neglected childhood, he has very little world knowledge and social skills and can easily slip into his own head space, become volatile or be withdrawn. I think finding this new world and a place with Julian, allows him to be his true self. It’s taught him about rules, and given him an understanding of places and his own wants. His feeling was that he wanted to be cared for and loved, but he knew nothing about Daddies until he saw Elan. His wants were actually his needs, and now they are being met, he can now explore with the other feelings and things he has going on. I think his people guide him quite a bit, and I think they sometimes ask different things from him so it can get confusing in his head, but I also think Julian brings some order to them. He did it accidently when he named them, but I think that worked for Star.
History – Diagnosed at age 3 as having Fragile X, lost his mother around the age of 4/5 and stayed with his mother’s boyfriend/stepfather. Slowly dropped out of school, and never managed more than a few days at senior school. Pretty much fended for himself while his Stepfather spent his time taking drugs and paying for prostitutes, which Leo used to watch. Found himself in the alley after an altercation with his stepfather, where he met Joe.