The facts.
Green eyes,
Hair – shaved on the sides, longer on top brushed back, light brown hair
White well-toned body
Uncut – 7.5 inches hard
Tea no sugar/ one sugar if sharing with Leo
Chocolate milkshake
Author’s comments.
Beautiful, spicey Joe lol Poor guy has had a shit life and pretty much been alone even before he lost his parents. Is it a wonder that he has a hard time connecting to people, his guard is always up. I don’t think it would have worked out for Joe had he not left the way he did and got himself in trouble. I think he needed that whole detachment from life to start afresh. He’s got the most caring heart, but he had to shield it and shut it off with the life he had, only letting it rule his decisions on occasions (like finding lost new boys and finding Leo) Leo had found his friend though and wasn’t going to let Joe go, which broke his barriers down.
He’s a natural leader, and I think once he’s found his feet, he won’t be so dependent on Julian and because he wears his heart on his sleeve, I see him bringing home a few lost souls when he starts helping out Layton.
History – Parents were drug addicts, so he was taken away and put into Foster care. Left the system at 16 after several continual foster failures – and found the alley.