The facts.
Bright blond hair/white always untidy
Blue eyes
Small Fae stature, body slightly toned from physical play
Tea – and as many sugars as he can get away with
Author’s comments.
What an absolute sweetheart he is! He just wants a couple of things to be happy, a pain session, a good fucking, and to be unconditionally loved. He’s got the softest demeanour, absolutely no control over his own needs, and is rubbish at making good choices. That’s why he needed Layton, the person who loves him unconditionally and who puts his needs first. He’s learned a few tricks over his years of slavery and can be real sneaky when he wants something, he forgets to be good, and these can sometimes get him into trouble. I’m sure there’s some more stories to come from him as he gets up to mischief.
History – Found and taken from the streets at 17 by Layton, trained and became a slave at 18. Left Layton’s for a new house at 19. Spent several years as a slave with different houses, before moving to Kellen’s slave house. After a visit with a client that went too far, Isaac ends up with Julian trying to prove he can still be a slave. When things go awry, he ends up back where he started with Layton and his new adult journey begins.