NOTE- Finders Keepers – Home (Book11) and Finders Keepers – Away (Book12) Are the same story and timeline, with different POV’s – Each one will give you the same ending, and can be read in any order. As the Author, I recommend you read them in book order to get the full impact of the story.
Finders keepers. From Spencer’s view, it means exactly that. He makes a few errors, but once he realises what he’s found, he’s not going to give it up, any of it. Not one thing, not one person, and that includes doing everything he can to get Joe back to Star, to the family, and to the one thing the three of them only dreamed of when they were on the street.
Star finds a new play mate and a new Keeper
Layton finds out that maybe Joe’s place with Leo wasn’t quite what he thought it was.
Jacob finds his more…and a little clarity and confusion comes with it
Spencer not only finds his place, a family, but also a lover and a home
Julian finds Star’s Keeper, then sets out to find his everything.
Together the family get to know each other, find their places and overcome the ups and downs of living with each other. When Julian goes away to find Joe, they wait and hold their breath.

Purchase Now!
FINDERS KEEPERS – HOME: STREETBOYS SERIES BOOK 11 is available now to buy on Amazon.
Most of the Streetboys Series is free to read if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription